All the material on this website is created neutrally to suit children from all backgrounds and religions.
The benefits of meditation are multifold and can support anyone to tackle life‘s various challenges with optimism and inner strength. It is clear too that meditation is just as helpful for children and young people as it is for adults, and can provide invaluable tools for life‘s journey.
The Lucky Star meditations are inspired by Raja Yoga. This is a simple and effective method of meditation that leads the meditator towards an experience of their own innate positive qualities. Practising Raja Yoga meditation we strengthen our inner subtle connection with ourselves, increasing our ability to thrive and experience a sense of fortune.
For more information about Raja Yoga meditation, do get in touch with the meditation centre closest to you by checking out the website
All courses and events organised by the Brahma Kumaris are offered free of charge.
The material on this website has been entirely created by volunteers from all over the world. They have in common, having practiced meditation for many years as well as having special love for children and the wish to share the benefits of meditation with the young ones and their caretakers.
Stefania Olafsdottir is from Iceland. She loves supporting families and schools in integrating meditation in daily life and gives meditation courses to children, parents and school teachers in Iceland. In her free time, Stefania enjoys spending time in the beautiful nature of her native country which became an inspiration for the meditations found on this website.
Samantha Fraser is from the UK. She enjoys creating experiential workshops to deepen people’s experience in meditation. She is currently based at a retreat centre in Oxford and enjoys the healing energy that nature brings. Samantha has worked in primary education for over 15 years and what she has always enjoyed is creating the right environment for children to thrive. For her this means meeting the child’s emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual needs.
Nancy Froeling is from the Netherlands. She loves to meditate with children and conduct reflective meditation in writing for adults. Nancy works as a coach and healer in business and in her work with children she uses intuitive music & drawing. Her free time she loves to spend baking, making music, drawing, gardening and being in nature.
Nik Haddadi is a mental health worker supporting adolescents with multiple and complex mental health needs. He is currently a trainee therapist in the pluralistic person-centred approach, and provides therapeutic services for refugees, autistic adults, climate activists and the general public. Introduced to meditation from a young age, Nik is a student of all wisdom traditions.
Andrea Gutierrez was born in Argentina. She works for protecting the environment, developing sustainable sources of energy.