Lucky Star Meditation
♡ Guided meditations and positive messages for children and their friends of all ages.
Warm welcome! The activities and practices on this website are intended to support families, carers and schools to help children increase the moments of peace and calm in everyday life. Children can discover and nurture their own innate qualities and goodness through meditation and positive messaging.
We truly hope that you will enjoy the Lucky Star meditations and that they will bring you and the children in your life many moments of sweet peace and inner strength.
The Lucky Star

Wheel of Fortune
Hello there and a warm welcome! We have a special gift for you. Have a go… Spin the Wheel of Fortune and receive a personal message and a few words to reflect and meditate on.
Here is a little known secret: Every time you focus on the goodness in yourself, it grows and soon begins to shine within you. Perhaps you often see what you don‘t like in yourself. These messages and meditations will help you discover and cultivate the very best and most wonderful inner you!
Remember you are the creator of the fortune of feeling at ease, content and bright. Every positive thought you have will make this fortune shine even brighter.
So go ahead and spin the wheel!

Like a shining star you radiate an inner beauty that comes from beautiful and positive thoughts.

When you set yourself a goal you don’t give up until you’ve reached it. You have great willpower, and therefore you can do anything you want.

You are very creative and you often get good ideas. When you are really enthusiastic about something, you throw yourself into it, so you make a success of it.

You have the heart of a lion, full of courage. When you feel scared you remind yourself of your courage, which is stronger that your fear. You can do anything you set your mind to.

When you set yourself a goal you don’t give up until you’ve reached it. You have great willpower, and therefore you can do anything you want.

You are very creative and you often get good ideas. When you are really enthusiastic about something, you throw yourself into it, so you make a success of it.

You have great flexibility. When something changes
unexpectedly and is not the way you would like it to be, you don’t let that annoy you, but stay in a good mood.

You are as free as a bird. No negative thoughts can capture you, which is why your mind is full of joy and lightness.

Your heart is big and bountiful like a flower in full bloom. You are ready to give others a helping hand, and you gain everyone’s gratitude.

Rather than letting other people get on your nerves, you
always see the best in everyone. Everybody feels good in your presence and wants to be your friend.

You feel gratitude in your heart for all the good things life has given you. When you think about all the positive things in your life, your fortune multiplies.

You have an honest heart and the courage to tell the truth, even if that is sometimes difficult. You don’t lie, and others trust you.

You feel that everyone is equally good, and you don’t feel any better or worse than others. You seldom experience envy, because you really like being you.

You are happy to be alive and you easily experience joy. You smile at the world and the world smiles back at you.

You find it easy to see something funny and entertaining whatever the circumstances.
Your good mood helps to cheer others up as well.

You are fond of all people, animals and nature. You regard everyone as a friend and you think beautiful thoughts towards others. Others are fond of you too.

You possess great patience, and are not irritated by having to wait for something. When others see your patience, they too become calm and peaceful.

Your mind is calm and peaceful like a mirror-smooth lake. You seldom get irritated and others feel good in your presence.

You respect all people,
animals and nature. You always have a kind and friendly word to say to people, and in this way, you help everyone to feel good.

If you experience insecurity or anxiety, it is helpful to remember
that you have a peaceful secret place within you where you are always completely secure.

You like yourself and find it easy to see your positive qualities. You don’t try to be like other people, but have the courage to be yourself.

You are quick to find solutions to most problems and you don’t make things unnecessarily complicated. You are therefore able to solve even difficult tasks.

You have great inner strength, shown by the fact that you don’t let difficulties stop you. You never give up and you never lose hope.

You are a good friend
and you can be trusted. You don’t speak ill of anybody, and that shows that you have great inner strength.